
More than just wallpaper!

More than just wallpaper!

There has always been a special relationship between people and their wall coverings. However, this relationship has not always been characterised by harmony. Thus it was that, as early as one hundred years ago, the aesthete Oscar Wilde despaired at the patterned walls of his Paris hotel. His last words are said to have been, “My wallpaper will be the death of me – one of us has to go”. If only the hotel owner had used woodchip...

Friedrich Erfurt opened the ERFURT paper mill in Wuppertal in 1827. 37 years later, his grandson Hugo Erfurt developed a wall covering that has become an inextricable part of our everyday life today: woodchip wallpaper. An idea that was to create a stellar career and without which it's hard to imagine the most diverse rooms around the world. The company, which is still owned by the 7th generation of the Erfurt family, is today the market leader in the production and sale of wall coverings that can be painted over. Alongside woodchip products, ERFURT sells innovative, design-orientated and environmentally sustainable solutions for wall design in over 30 countries worldwide. With innovations to optimise the energy-saving capacity of interior walls, the company very successfully supplies economically viable systems for saving energy and improving the interior climate of your home. Erfurt! More than "just" wallpaper!


1827 - 1843Handmade filter paper, printing paper
1844Installation of the first paper machine
1864Rauhfaser as shop window decorative paper
1885Improved wallpaper base, velour paper, ingrain paper
1914Paper for emergency currency, paper for food stamps
1971Tapetenproduktion, Übernahme Wenzel & Brüninghaus
1972Erfurt-Anaglypta/Novaboss embossed wallpaper
1995ERFURT-Vliesfaser, ERFURT-Variovlies
2007ERFURT is one of Germany’s "Brands of the Century"
2009Erfurt KlimaTec Interior Insulation System
2011Erfurt BESTWOOD Decking Systems
2013Digitally printed wallcoverings with Juicy Walls